Is Your Gift Taxable? Seven Tips Determining a Taxable Gift
Determining a Taxable Gift
If you gave money or property to someone as a gift, you may wonder about the federal gift tax. Many gifts are not subject to the gift tax. Here are seven tax tips about gifts and determining a taxable gift.
Are you approaching retirement age and wondering where you can retire to make your retirement nest egg last longer? Retiring abroad may be the answer. But first, it’s important to look at the tax suggestions if retiring overseas because not all Continue reading Tax Suggestions if Retiring Overseas→
Resolving a Notice from the IRS; Eight Facts to Know
Resolving a Notice from the IRS
The IRS sends millions of letters and notices to taxpayers for a variety of reasons. Many of these letters and notices can be easily dealt with without having to call or visit an IRS office. Here are eight things you should know about if you receive a notice or Continue reading Resolving a Notice from the IRS→
A friend criticized my selection of this “Nanny Tax” article for my Blog. I vehemently disagree! Understanding the morass of laws surrounding home-based helpers and Employees and how to legally avoid Taxes on household Employees is crucial! If you doubt me just look-up the history of one of the most accomplished and thoughtful people of my generation: Zoe Baird. If not for some bad advice given to her husband, the Clinton Administration could have avoided the carnage at Waco.
Avoid Taxes on Household Employees
If you employ someone to work for you around your house, it is important to consider the tax implications of this arrangement. Determining whether you can avoid taxes on household Continue reading Avoid Taxes on Household Employees→