Category Archives: Affordable Care Act or ObamaCare

Blog posts discussing various aspects of the Affordable Care Act, or ObamaCare

Penalty Relief for ACA Tax Credits

Penalty Relief for ACA Tax Credits for Overpayments of Estimated Tax Credits 

Penalty Relief for ACA Tax Credits
Penalty Relief for ACA Tax Credits

Many customers of ACA Exchanges may find they have no 2014 refund … and may be in dire need of ACA Penalty Relief.

Beginning in 2014, an eligible individual or family member covered under a qualified health plan through a Health Insurance Marketplace (Exchange) is allowed Continue reading Penalty Relief for ACA Tax Credits

Small Business and Obamacare


Small Business and Obamacare

Small Business and Obamacare
Small Business and Obamacare

Whether you’re self-employed or run a small business, here’s a quick look at what you need to know about the Affordable Care Act.


If you run an income-generating business with no employees, then you’re considered self-employed. You can get coverage through the Healthcare Marketplace and use it to find coverage Continue reading Small Business and Obamacare

Tricks About Net Investment Tax

Tricks About Net Investment Tax

Tricks About Net Investment Tax
Tricks About Net Investment Tax

Certain taxpayers may be subject to the Net Investment Income Tax, which went into effect last year, in 2013. You may owe this tax if you have income from investments and your income for the year is more than certain limits. Here are four things that you should know about this tax:

  1. Net Investment Income Tax. The law requires a tax of 3.8 percent on the lesser of Continue reading Tricks About Net Investment Tax

The Small Business Health Care Credit

The Small Business Health Care Credit

The Small Business Health Care Credit
The Small Business Health Care Credit

With all of the heat surrounding the “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act,” or Obama Care, I fear some of the very distinct “business winners” are completely unaware of these potential savings they can claim. I know the Pharmaceutical companies in Cambridge know they will pay, but my fear is that many small “Mom and Pop” operations do not understand these potential credits available for them to claim. Any small business providing Health Care Coverage for low-income workers should read this very carefully!

If you did not claim these windfalls, amended returns can always be filed. Call me and we can discuss!

Continue reading The Small Business Health Care Credit